Two Board Committees  regularly meet as standing committees of the Main Board. These Committees attend to business related to Planning and Development and Economic Development.
Committee Meetings are generally scheduled on the same day as the main Board meeting, which is held later that evening starting at 7:00 pm.  Business arising from the Planning Committee is conveyed through the Main Board Agenda. The Economic Development Commission has its own meeting agenda with an update that is provided at the main board meeting.

Planning Committee:
The Planning and Development Committee reviews land use applications, receives submissions and makes  recommendations directly to the Main Board.

There are seven members: Chair Cordeiro, Directors Brocklebank, Etzerza, Nyce, Ramsey, Yunkws and Bidgood.

Economic Development Commission:
The Economic Development Commission promotes economic development for the region and the participating municipalities of Stewart, District of New Hazelton and the Village of Hazelton.

Members:  All Directors except Kitimat and Terrace.

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