North West Regional Hospital District (NWRHD) is geographically  the largest of 23 Regional Hospital Districts in the Province. This Hospital District has the same boundaries as the entire Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS),  North Coast Regional District (formerly SQCRD), and the western portion of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN). 
We serve a population of approximately 80,000 residents from three regional districts. 
Collectively there are 26 municipalities and electoral areas plus the Nisga'a Nation (joined in December of 2014).

Health Authorities and Facilities Supported by NWRHD

The NWRHD supports two health authorities The NWRHD pays up to 40% of the cost of capital funding for health facilities and medical equipment for two Health Authorities, at 20 facilities. The remaining 60+% share is funded by the Provincial Government, Federal Government, or through donations provided by local Hospital or Community Foundations, and individual patrons.

Northern Health Authority has 16 facilities which receive funding from the NWRHD. The support facilities and their communities are listed below.

Facilities that the NW Regional Hospital District contributes capital funding towards for major capital construction (and related) and major equipment purchases.

Regional District
Major Acute and Chronic Care Facility
Regional District Bulkley-Nechako Houston Houston Health Centre
Smithers Bulkley Valley District Hospital
Smithers Bulkley Lodge
Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine Hazeltons Wrinch Memorial Hospital
Kitimat Kitimat General Hospital
Terrace Ksyen Regional Hospital
Terrace Terrace Community Mental Health Services
Terrace Terraceview Lodge
Terrace Seven Sisters Residence
Stewart Stewart Health Centre
Dease Lake Stikine Health Centre
Gitlaxt'aamiks James Samuel Gosnell Memorial Health Centre
Gitwinksihlkw Health Center
Laxgalts'ap Health Center
Gingolx Health Center
North Coast Regional District Prince Rupert Prince Rupert Regional Hospital
Prince Rupert Acropolis Manor
Masset Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital & Health Centre
Village of Daajing Giids Haida Gwaii Hospital & Health Centre


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