Are you interested in how we manage recycling, organics and other solid waste? Do you want to develop your civic involvement skills? Or maybe you want make a positive impact on your community, conserve natural resources, and help create a cleaner, greener world? Apply to join the RDKS Plan Monitoring Advisory Committee (PMAC).
As a committee member you'll play a vital role in monitoring and supporting the implementation of the RDKS Solid Waste Management Plan and participate in shaping the future of how we manage solid waste in our communities.
The Committee membership will include representation from the Regional District Board, municipalities, First Nations communities and members at large, which includes public representation from each Electoral Area and private sector/waste management industries. The Regional District is looking for volunteer committee members representing diverse backgrounds, interests, and locations within the region.
The committee will focus on:
- contributing to the implementation of the Solid Waste Management Plan's strategies, goals, and targets;
- providing input on public consultation and engagement initiatives on how we continue to manage Solid Waste
- reviewing current programs and identifying issues and opportunities for improvements;
- ensuring that proposed programs and policies are in the best interests of all residents of the region, and that policies balance both community and industry need; and,
- tackling any other tasks that will improve the solid waste management practices.

To review the Committee's Terms of Reference please go to the Solid Waste Management Plan page. Access the application form here or at the link on the SWMP page. Alternatively, the Terms of Reference and an application form can be obtained at the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine main office 300-4545 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace, B.C.
The deadline for submitting applications is November 17, 2023.
Submit your application by email to [email protected] or in person at the RDKS main office. Contact our office at (250) 615 6100 with any questions.