A reminder for RDKS residents that all Rural Property Taxes are due by July 2, 2024, and must be paid to the Province of British Columbia.
**Please note the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine cannot accept payment.**
There are several ways you can pay your property taxes:
- At Service BC
- In person at your bank, Credit Union or Trust Company
- Through your mortgage agreement
- By internet/telephone banking
- Pay online by registering to use eTaxBC
- By mail, payable to the Minister of Finance, mailing address:
Surveyor of Taxes
PO Box 9446 STN Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9V6
If you are using internet/bill payment services through your bank for the first time, you’ll need to add Rural Property Taxation as a payee. You'll need the Province of B.C.’s payee name and your folio number - the Province of B.C.’s Payee Name is PROV BC- RURAL PROPERTY TAX, and your folio number is listed on your Rural Property Tax Notice. It must be entered without spaces or decimals. For your records, write down the confirmation number generated when you completed your payment; this will help the Province if they have to request a trace on your payment. Please contact your bank if you are experiencing issues.
More information is available through the B.C. Government website.
Did you see the Electoral Area insert in your property tax notice? Select your area below to learn more.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F
If you have any questions about paying your rural property tax notice that were not answered by your bank or the Province, please feel free to contact RDKS at 250-615-6100.