Customers are advised that annual water main flushing procedures will be carried out as follows:
Upper Thornhill Water System
Tuesday, April 11 through Thursday, April 13
Lower Thornhill Water System
Monday, April 17 through Friday, April 28
NOTE: To aid in the flushing process crews will be adding a small dose of chlorine to the system reservoir. Residual chlorine may remain in the system for the duration of flushing. This will be followed with a systematic flush of the distribution system to ensure thorough disinfection. There may be residual chlorine for the duration of flushing.
This procedure is necessary to remove any sediment that may be present in the water mains and to ensure the best possible water quality is maintained. During this procedure, water pressures may fluctuate, and water may appear coloured or cloudy. You are advised to run your water until it clears. Your ongoing co-operation and understanding is appreciated.