In BC, there is a critical need to strengthen public understanding of the risks and personal responsibilities associated with living in a fire-dependent ecosystem.
FireSmart is a nationally recognized program designed to reduce wildfire risks by making homes and communities more fire-resilient. FireSmart principles have been shown to reduce the impact of wildfires on rural and urban properties, even under the most extreme fire conditions.
As a program, FireSmart™ is a key to helping you understand how to reduce the risks and some practical tasks you can do in your neighborhood and property to guard against the negative impacts of wildfire.
Regional District will be carrying out FireSmart™ activities over the next several months. Free property assessments are available for residents in higher risk neighborhoods. By reducing the risks you may also be providing Firefighters with a better chance of saving your home in case of wildfire.
A rebate may be available to property owners for 50% of the costs to a maximum of $500 per property for completing fire smart activities related to your free assessment.