Trucked Liquid Waste
The RDKS has developed a new policy for Trucked Liquid Waste that regulates the type of liquid waste accepted at RDKS waste facilities.

This policy was developed to provide liquid waste haulers with clear guidelines on what is acceptable at RDKS facilities, and also to protect our facilities and the surrounding environment.
- septage
- pumpage from sewage holding tanks
- sewage treatment plant sludge
- pumpage from wash water and grit from drain sumps at automobile wash facilities (intended primarily for cars and light trucks) and parking lots
UNACCEPTED LIQUID WASTE (aka Other Liquid Waste)
- catch basins
- oil-water separators
- grease trap waste from restaurants
- shop floor drains and catch basins that potentially contain wastes such as fats, oils, and grease (FOG), and/or characterized as having contaminant concentrations exceeding the effluent standards for Hazardous Waste Facilities, as specified in Schedule 1.2, Column 3 of the Hazardous Waste Regulation
- any prohibited waste listed in our bylaws
The unaccepted wastes listed above are prohibited because they are detrimental to our treatment systems and harmful to the surrounding environments.
If you're a Trucked Liquid Waste Hauler and want to dispose of liquid waste at an RDKS facility:
- You must hold a valid Controlled Waste Permit approved for Septage or Acceptable Other Liquid Waste
- You will need to submit monthly reports.
Fill out this form by the 7th of each month for the previous month's discharges. For example, if you dispose of waste in January 2025, the report must be submitted by February 7, 2025.
Please read the full policy here.