We co-manage the South Hazelton Water System with the District of New Hazelton.
This System consists of a water intake and infiltration gallery, chlorination and ultra-violet disinfection treatment facilities (including a primary and back-up power supply), an equalization reservoir
near the water intake and, a fire reservoir and pump located at the Fire Hall.
The Regional District has an agreement with the District of New Hazelton for provision of system operations and general maintenance.
Contact District of Hazelton for:
- Water shut offs/on (you or your plumber requires assistance)
- Concerns of lack of water pressure or water quality
- Emergency calls such as no water or leaks evident
Contact Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine for:
- Questions regarding billing, water rates, and bylaws
- New connections to the water system such as a new subdivided lot or a lot that has never been connected to the water system
- Connection or disconnection