Heritage Park Museum Service Area Establishment - Update
Posted on 07/11/2024

Back in January, the RDKS Board of Directors announced they intended to update how they contribute funds to Heritage Park Museum. In April, information about the proposed service was presented at the Trade Show; in June, bylaw No. 793 was approved by the Inspector of Municipalities, and the Notice to Eligible Electors was posted in the Terrace Standard on July 4 & 11.


 The Issue: Currently, residents in Electoral Area E (Thornhill) and a portion of Electoral Area C (the greater Terrace area) contribute to the operation of Heritage Park Museum through an annual grant-in-aid. Grants-in-aid typically are meant for infrequent or one-time payments and aren’t ideal for regular funding.

 The Proposed Solution: Instead of the annual grant-in-aid, the RDKS would use a “Service Area” funding model. This means funding would be based on the property value in the designated service area and the cost would be part of those residents’ taxes. View a map of the service area.

The Cost:

  • The average contribution per property in the service area would be $10.21 per year. (Calculated at $0.0259 per $1,000 of net taxable land and improvements based on the average residential property price in the service area, $394,000.)  
  • The maximum annual amount that the RDKS would contribute is $40,000 total per year, which is consistent with previous RDKS support for the Museum.

What’s next?

The RDKS is using the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to determine support and this process is now open. How the AAP works:

  • If you live in the service area and you support Heritage Park Museum becoming a service, you do not have to do anything.
  • If you do not support the Museum becoming a service, fill out an Electoral Response Form and return it to the RDKS office.
  • If 10% or less of the voters in the service area fill out an Electoral Response Form, the service establishment will go ahead.
  • If more than 10% of voters fill out a form, then the RDKS Board of Directors will call a referendum or decide on another course of action.

The AAP will run until Friday, August 30, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. No elector response forms can be accepted after that date. 

For more details, answers to FAQs, and other documentation, visit our engagement site here.

Access an Electoral Response Form here.

Questions? Contact Corporate Officer Renee Lukasser at 250-615-6100.