In recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, most non-essential RDKS services will be closed on Sept. 30, 2022, reopening the following business day, including:
- Regional District Main Office, 4545 Lazelle Avenue
- Works & Services Thornhill Office, 3128 Highway 16 East
- Thornhill Animal Shelter, 3856 Desjardins Avenue
- Thornhill and Greater Terrace Area curbside organics, recycling & garbage collection that is regularly scheduled for this day will have collection on the following Monday.
- Upper Skeena Recreation Center, Hazelton, B.C.
Essential RDKS services will be available on Sept. 30, including:
- Solid waste facilities including the Thornhill Transfer Station for commercial haulers, Forceman Ridge, Hazelton, Kitwanga Transfer Station, Meziadin, and Iskut - as per regular scheduled operating hours
- Water and sewer services - emergency response only; call 1-800-360-9189
- Thornhill Fire Department - emergency response only; facility will otherwise be closed to the public.
For more information about RDKS facility and service closures on Sept. 30, 2022, please contact the Regional District Main Office at 250-615-6100 or [email protected].
This is an important day of reflection and commemoration. The RDKS is committed to listening, learning, and taking steps towards better relationships and partnerships with the First Nations on whose traditional territories we do our work.